Studio Stenfert Kroese is founded by Noor Stenfert Kroese. Under the name Studio Stenfert Kroese, she collaborates with different artists, scientists and institutes. 


Noor Stenfert Kroese is a new media artist, scenographer, and artistic researcher. Her work integrates technology and biology, exploring the complex interrelations of human and non-human elements. In her process, Noor aims to understand context-specific human and non-human relationships, emphasizing the self-organizing qualities of nonhuman processes and examining the nuanced and sometimes discordant interactions.
Noor lives and works in Linz [AT], where she is a PhD candidate in Creative Robotics and a lecturer at the University of Art and Design Linz as well as a University Assistant in the Master’s program Art & Science at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Her current research focuses on data storytelling of living organisms, fungi-inspired biocomputing and other-than-human interactions with industrial robots.
Noor’s work has been exhibited and performed at various venues and festivals, including the Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Festival X (UAE),  ISEA (FR), Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts(TW) and Theater Rotterdam (NL).  She has received several recognitions for her work, such as an Honorary Mention from Prix Ars Electronica(AT), YouFab Global Creative Award (JP), and the New Media Architecture Biennale Award (CA).